西顿希尔大学剧院呈现“朱利叶斯凯撒”2月. 24 to March 4

西顿希尔大学戏剧和舞蹈课程将呈现威廉·莎士比亚的《澳门十大博彩娱乐平台网址》,” Feb. 24 to March 4 in the William Granger Ryan Theatre, Performing Arts Center, 100 Harrison Avenue, Greensburg, Pa. 票价为15美元,可提供学生和团体价格. 请致电西顿希尔表演艺术中心售票处724-552-2929购票或购买门票 online.

To preserve the health and safety of students, faculty and staff, we will be requiring masks at public events, regardless of vaccination status, 根据疾病预防控制中心的报告,当时威斯特摩兰县的COVID-19传播率很高. When the transmission rate is medium or low, 只有那些没有完全接种疫苗和接种疫苗的人才需要戴口罩.

演出:2月24、25日和3月3、4日晚8点.m.; February 25 and March 4: 2 p.m.

Fake news, conspiracies, scandals, betrayals, 以及在铸币上纪念的政治暗杀,这些都在威廉·莎士比亚的巨著《澳门十大博彩娱乐平台网址》中被捕捉到." Dirty, 致命的政治在这本(很大程度上)真实的历史教训中令人不安地回响.

CONTENT WARNING: 这出戏涉及暴力、自残和自杀. This production takes a contemporary approach, 是什么让历史和虚构的事件让某些人感到不安.

The Seton Hill student cast 来自宾夕法尼亚州贝尔弗农的迪米特里·阿波迪亚科斯(Dimitri Apodiakos)是《澳门十大博彩娱乐平台网址》的演员., as Julius Caesar/Octavius Caesar/Ghost of Caesar; Connery Brown of Aliquippa, Pa., as Marcus Antonius; Samantha Sheldon of Catonsville, Md., as Marcus Brutus; Veronica Buell of Duxbury, Mass., as Caius Cassius; Kinsley Beachler of Pittsburgh, Pa., as Casca/Poet; Mya Clay of McDonald, Pa., as Trebonius/Cobbler; Taylor Humenay of Clearfield, Pa., as Decius Brutus/Lucilius; Tara Dougherty of Jefferson Hills, Pa., as Cinna/Marullus/Field Reporter; Rowan Mentzer of Greenville, Pa., as Soothsayer/Artemidorus/Messala/Newscaster; Daniel Velasquez of Summerhill, Pa., as Lucius/Cinna the Poet; Channing Griffin of Munhall, Pa., as Titinius; Madisyn Faux of Munhall, Pa., as Portia/Young Cato; Sofie Poborski of South Fork, Pa., as Pindarus; and Kelly Long of Lock Haven, Pa., as Calpurnia/Strato.

The Seton Hill student technical staff includes Kaileen Stevens of Cortland, Ohio, Poster Design; Kelly Long of Lock Haven, Pa., Announcer/Electrician; Abigail George of Gibsonia, Pa., Stage Manager/Fight Captain; Emma Corall of Harrison City, Pa., Assistant Stage Manager; Peyton Corsetti of Coraopolis, Pa., Deck/Run Crew; Rachel Dietsch of Russell, Pa., Projection Design; Tyawna Meyers of Central City, Pa., Light Board Operator; Corisa Saitta of Bethel Park, Pa., Abigail Rocks of New Salem, Pa., Daniel Velasquez of Summerhill, Pa., Christopher Brown of Forestville, Md., Electricians; Taylor Humenay of Clearfield, Pa., Student Dramaturg; Kinsley Beachler of Pittsburgh, Pa., Peyton Corsetti of Coraopolis, Pa., Amanda MacMurtrie of Collegeville, Pa., Rowan Mentzer of Collegeville, Pa., Sofie Poborski of South Fork, Pa., Lumen Roach of Johnstown, Pa.来自巴哈马拿骚的艾莉森·泰勒(Alyson Taylor),宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的莎拉·威尔斯(Sarah Wells)., Penny Zamborsky of Homestead, Pa., Costume Shop Crew; Abby Breznak of Lititz, Pa., Paige McConlogue of Scranton, Pa., Sage Evans of Duncansville, Pa., Carissa O’Masta of Smithton, Pa., Delaney Bortz of Delmont, Pa., Penny Zamborsky of Homestead, Pa., Dressers; Megan Ammons of Hunker, Pa., Corisa Saitta of Bethel Park, Pa., Wardrobe Laundry Crew; McKenna Yutzy of Belle Vernon, Pa., Madisyn Faux of Munhall, Pa., Christopher Brown of Forestville, Md., Devon Young of Pittsburgh, Pa., Alexandra Tompkins of Mount Pleasant, Pa.来自宾夕法尼亚州杰斐逊山的塔拉·多尔蒂(Tara Dougherty),宾夕法尼亚州巴特勒的凯瑟琳·麦卡蒂(Katherine McCarty)., Dimitri Apodiakos of Belle Vernon, Pa., Veronica Buell of Duxbury, Mass., Jake Starek of Harrison City, Pa., Robin Ward of Ruffs Dale, Pa., Scene Shop and Production Crew; and Tess Stiffler of Penfield, N.Y., Taylor Humenay of Clearfield, Pa., Jamie Keys of Plattsburgh, N.Y., Gabriel List of Irwin, Pa., Larissa Walker of Pittsburgh, Pa.来自俄亥俄州西湖的麦迪逊·巴克利(Madison Buckley)是布景油漆和道具组的成员.

西顿希尔大学出品的《澳门十大博彩娱乐平台网址》由丹尼斯·普伦执导, Associate Professor of Theatre. Artistic and Production Staff include Karen Glass, Assistant Professor of Theatre, set design, charge scenic artist and properties manager; lisa leibering, Assistant Professor of Theatre, costume director and costume design; Ken Clothier, Assistant Professor of Theatre, lighting design; Elaine Montgomery, costume shop manager; Dwight Brown and Justin Anderson of Good Sounds, LLC, sound design and sound mixer; Caila Yates, technical director and production manager; and Michael Petyak, fight choreography.

Venue Information: 所有澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台剧院的演出都在澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台表演艺术中心的威廉格兰杰瑞恩剧院举行, 100 Harrison Avenue, Greensburg, Pa.  表演艺术中心是一个完全无障碍和气候控制的设施.  格林斯堡附近有四个停车场:北奥特曼街的贝尔停车场(演艺中心对面), the Hellman-Ghrist lot on North Main Street, 澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台路的阿尔伯特·格里洛地块和西奥特曼街的威布·奥尔布赖特地块.  

Ticket Information:  Single admission tickets are $15.  澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台学生(持有效身份证件)可以购买门票,价格为5美元.  非澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台学生(持有效学生证)可以购买预售票13美元.  任何学校的学生都可以在开演前五分钟购买抢票, subject to availability, for $5 (with valid school ID).  6人或6人以上的团体可以预订并提前付款,每张票的价格为11美元. Order tickets online at by phone at 724-552-2929, or by mail at SHUPAC Box Office, Seton Hill University, 1 Seton Hill Drive, Greensburg, Pa. 15601-1599.  票房时间为周一至周五下午2点.m. - 6 p.m. and three hours before a performance

西顿希尔大学的表演艺术中心是73,这里有表演艺术专业学生从学生变成专业人士所需的一切.   The Center houses two dedicated, flexible performance spaces, 卡罗尔·安·赖希古特音乐厅和威廉·格兰杰·瑞安剧院. The Center also includes a performance studio, new classrooms, 排练室和技术区域,包括最好的学习和表演设备, from Steinway pianos to the latest in lighting, sound, video and acoustics.  The Center is located in downtown Greensburg, 它正好位于城市文化区的中心,但距离澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台的山顶主校区只有几分钟的路程.

西顿希尔大学戏剧和舞蹈专业有着悠久的历史,为专业的表演艺术专业提供教育,同时在校园的教育生活中发挥着至关重要的作用.  西顿希尔的戏剧和舞蹈节目每年提供五部完整的作品(以及一些较短的作品),观众人数超过3人,500人,并在西顿希尔学院的课程中讨论主题.  欲了解更多关于澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台剧院项目的信息,请访问9uqv.90bc.net or call 724-552-2934.

Photo: Dimitri Apodiakos, 萨曼莎·谢尔登和维罗妮卡·布尔在西顿希尔大学制作的《澳门十大博彩娱乐平台网址》中